Services for you fur babies

Losing a pet can be devastating to you and your family.  Many people don’t understand just how important your pet was to you.  The grief process is as individual as the person and you don’t have to face the loss of your pet alone.

There are a variety of forms of support for you available such as  pet-loss support lines, local or online support groups. 

If you would like a service or memorial please contact me because I understand how difficult it can be when you lose a pet and will be able to create a meaningful and personal tribute to your fur baby.

Below is my own tribute to my little cat Pheonix who I picked up from the vet as he was an orphan.  My family and I enjoyed many years with this little fella and were gutted to lose him.



He was never just a cat,
He was way much more than that.
As a kitten he survived cat flu,
From the day he came home we knew,
That he’d be full of mischief and tricks,
He was our fur baby – we named Pheonix!

Over the years we were always entertained,
As his attempts to talk to the birds never waned.
On Winter days he’dsnuggle beside us,
Attack the baubles on the tree at Christmas.

He loved to feast on cooked prawn heads,
And meaow at mealtimes until he was fed.
Always interested what we cooked on the barbeque,
When the switch clicked on -he’d appear within a second or two.


He’d climb into the cupboards and step over the glasses with grace,
Carefully stepping between them, all left intact and still in place.

Even when he had an accident involving a car wheel,
Sadly, lost his tail and acted like it was no big deal.

He was gentle and loving and so easy going,
I hope he left this world knowing ….

That to this day we still miss him and loved him so much,
Our cat with a soothing purr who was so soft to touch.

Missed by his fur buddies in crime, our dogs Jack and Jill,
Pheonix has a place in our hearts, no other pet will ever fill.

Mandy Taylor